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What is Restorative Justice?

3 Key Components:

Reconcile with the victim- Who was Harmed?

Reconciliation is a key component in the process of restorative justice. Mediation, meeting or an encounter between the offender and victim.


It is the responsibility of all stakeholders to engage in the process to bring a comprehensive and meaningful solution to all those affected by the transgression of the offender. Having respect during the process is important for all the individuals involved in this process so those who are responsible for causing the harm can take responsibility and hold themselves accountable.

Engagement – Relationships

All parties that were involved need to be a participant in a solution that emcompass respect, commitment and understanding. Creating a circle of support and accountability helps brings about a meaningful solution.

The 7 Key Elements:
  • Respect-Respecting the experience of RJ

  • Compassion-Showing empathy

  • Trust-Trusting the process and the people involved

  • Honesty-Being honest about your intentions

  • Humility-Having no reservations and being open

  • Remorse-Humble realization of one’s misdeeds

  • Responsibility-Taking responsibility for your actions and responses

Donna Foster, a woman who, through the practices of Restorative justice was not only able to have a meaningful dialog with the offender, but forgave him and aided us in his releases from prison.

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